Saturday, October 25, 2008

Winter is Coming.

Yeah so it snowed yesterday. It was amazing. I loved it. : )

It was pretty cold yesterday, but I kind of enjoyed it. Unfortunately, it won't stay this nice for much longer. As everyone continues to remind me, it is going to get "freakin' ridiculous" in the near future. Of course they do not use those exact words when telling me how cold its gonna get... but you get the point haha.

With winter and snow comes sickness. I woke up this morning and decided that if I cut off my nose I would feel 1000x better. You will be happy to know that I have yet to test that theory. haha

Tony left today, Which it quite sad. He was a good friend and we will miss him. Hopefully he'll come visit sometime. Last night we all hung out. It was pretty fun. Don't really feel like going into detail. 

Yesterday I had a close, face-to-face encounter with a drunk old man. It was 1:30 in the afternoon and he was sloshed! After spotting two cute white girls in the corner of the tiny resturant he proceeded to "force" us to down a glass of beer (chinese culture?), which I could not do because I absolutely hate beer, and he then tried to force feed me the beer that I had failed to consume on my first try. Haha. While trying to make me drink, he then went in for the KISS! 
He missed my lips by about 1/2 inch Thank God. Though according to Jason and Tony I now have a slew of diseases ranging from herpes to syphilis. : )

So yeah that was my fun story for the day haha. 
oh and then after than some russian guy got a little to close for comfort. However the validity of that story is questioned!
I am still a little confused on why I got so much male attention yesterday. hahaha
I was sexed up thats for sure! Unless weird old men and russians find turtle needs HOT! haha

Guy and Brandon are coming in either tonight or tomorrow. I am excited. They are gonna be here for little less than a week and I am just ready for a little change in pace and scenery. If that makes sense haha. I don't really know what I am saying. I am sick haha and my mind isn't working at full capacity. : )

Ok. I think its time I work on school. "/


it was snowing : )

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Anticipate: "Lick one's lips over?"

HAHA so that nice title is what I got when I put the word anticipate into my thesaurus. I have never heard the saying "lick one's lips over" but supposedly it means you are anticipating something.... hmm???

Well yeah thought that was a nice way to start this blog. I will warn you this could be a little random and scatter brained because I am quite tired and I am not quite sure why I am writing this. Nothing too exciting has happened....
Oh Well.

SO tonight was fun. A little awkward. I feel.. like I don't measure up or am not good enough because I can't speak chinese. At first I didn't really care, but now I just feel like it is seen in a negative light. Which sucks. But enough NEGATIVITY. Blah.

Dinner was good :) and right now I am listening to Ray Lamontagne, which makes everything better!

I am looking forward to tomorrow.
I am trying to work hard at NOT planning, but sometimes I just can't help it ;)
If tomorrow is as good as I think it could be, then I will tell of the plan that was in my head.

I started the book The Shack last night :)
I finished the book He Chose the Nails. It was fabulous, glorious.

It really revealed the glory of God to me. The love. The Passion.
I will say life is so great right now. There are bad moments, but I am learning to get rid of those bad/sad thoughts just as fast as they come into my head.

I am trying to really praying that God will rig me of all my jealousy. That is my prayer at this moment. Kind of hard to elaborate on, but I just have tendency to not be happy with where I am at this time in my life and it has nothing to do with my physical location, but my emotional and spiritual place. My heart is not right and I just pray that God will just take everything bad out and replace it with an eagerness to serve him with real passion. My heart yearns for passion. I think passion is what so many people lack. I believe passion can change the world. :)

It is starting to get a little chillier here. Today was super amazing! Unfortunately other days are a little cold for me (and I know that if anyone is reading this that knows me and is living in Harbin they are probably laughing and saying "she has no idea what cold is" haha) but it still gets a little cold here. If I have heard correctly the heat should be coming on in like 1 day! WOO HOO ") 
Oh and today Mom and I got winter coats! YAY. Mine makes my look like an obese man, but whateva! When its ------30 I am gonna be fine looking like a man as long as I am warm!
Praise Him! haha

SO yeah. 
God is Good.
Friends are amazing.
Life is wonderful. 
(Time for Thesaurus.) 
"Wicked. haha" 

την ομορφιά της ζωής και διερωτώμαι ποια είναι Ζω για

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


In case you are wondering the word jollification is a word I just learned when I put "fun" in the thesaurus :)

I was looking for others words to describe how my night was.
Fun is so.... blah.
Fun is so bland. Plain. Shallow.

As I right more and more essays for school, the thesaurus is becoming my new best friend!

SO yeah tonight was just great.
I hope no one that was there reads this cause I might sound like a creeper..
But it was just really great.

I have really just been looking for friends that I can text randomly and be like "dinner?"
and they are totally up for it. 


I haven't quite found that group of people, but I hope I do soon.
I love the friends we went out with tonight. They are really great.
However I don't think the level of friendship is to that point yet.
I think texting them would be awkward.
Let alone texting randomly, without planning, and do things that are totally crazy and fun.... that would be a LITTLE awkward.
They probably would not respond to that text haha.
I am so ready to be over the awkward stages. Best friends are great.
Girls and Guys as best friends. That is really really (searching my thesaurus for a word other than great..) 
Well you get the point. hahah

God is Good.
All the Time.
All the Time.
God is [oh so] Good.

Speaking of synonyms... I think Christianity needs some new words to express feelings.
For like hundreds of years we have all used the same boring adjectives to express how we feel about God and Love and the World and Life.

Oh and I have also been thinking about just the relationship with Jesus.
I think its time to tear away all the crap!
Get rid of the fake, holier than thou, church going crowd..CRAP.
Its time to get real and raw. 
Its time to be vulnerable.
Time to put you heart out there. 
Time to give it all up.
Its time to learn the love of Jesus for real!
Go in depth.

"When the music fades 
and all is stripped away 
and I simply come.
Longing just to bring 
something thats of worth, 
that will bless your heart."


Monday, October 13, 2008


So this is gonna be a short one, but I would just like to document that I have had my first real craving since being in China...

Haha and it was CHICK FIL A! 
Especially the Chicken Minis..
mmmm.... my mouth just waters thinking about them!

It is kinda crazy cause I haven't craved anything in the US for almost 4 months. 
Hmmm.... WEIRD :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy DAYS :)

So I haven't written on here for about a week now.... 
In that week a lot has happened. Well at least at a lot for me and especially a lot for living in China.
Life here seems to move slow.. and fast.
Kind of hard to explain. The days move slow sometimes, but the months move fast. Weird haha

But the days keep rolling by. Some are great, some are good. Rarely do I have a bad day. If there are any bad times, it comes in moments. But after each bad moments, a flood of grace and mercy and love rushes in. That might sound crazy and cheesy but its true. As I begin to read more (started a new book He Chose the Nails) and begin to dwell on things of God, I have seen a change. Not that I have become a better person, but that when I fall that is where I see the presence of God. And when I have really awesome moments with friends or just around China, I see God there too. 

I am truly becoming thankful for the relationships I am forming here. They are going beyond just shallow friendship that I can leave in a year and forget about. The people I am hanging out with really truly enjoy. When I am around I feel as though the things that really matter in life are the topics of discussion. If that makes any sense. They are people I can be myself around. They are amazing human beings and each time I spend more time with them I learn something. I learn something about the character of God, the love of God. It can either be in something they say, or it can just be the realization that I am so blessed. That I have a relationship with Jesus that is becoming so real. That he cared enough for ME, to put in my path people that will glorify him and show me there is nothing to be ashamed of...

I am at a time in my life where each decision I make molds me and shapes me into the person I become. I truly believe that surrounding myself with people that live their life to bring God glory, will strengthen my own relationship...

Oh life. I am only 16, but I am slowly discovering the beauty of life. Each day brings a new revelation. It is so amazing. It is such a privilege. 
Life is beautiful!