Sunday, November 23, 2008

MM.... Today is a good day. 
I haven't done much in school, but I will. haha
I have kinda been dippin' in and out of school work for the past few hours :)

Thankfully it is not that cold today.
A chinese girl told me a few days ago that it would not get warmer, just colder.
But I am pleased to say she was wrong hahaha. I mean if 32ºF is warm to you, then she was wrong.
It is so crazy to look at the weather and be like "wow today is 30º, that is WARM" hahaha
I love it.

Last night I ate some oil drenched fish in a can. Wasn't too bad, just really oily and I still doubt that there was any meat on that fish haha.

Oh and I got a Bible in the mail yesterday, which is exciting!
I haven't had one cause I lost it and never found it before we moved.
This new Bible has a reading plan where you read all the main passages of the Bible in a year.
I got up this morning ready to delve in! So I have officially finished my second day of reading. hehe
It is a great feeling when you get to the end of the designated reading, and you want more. You have this urge to keep going. I love it!
Though I have stopped myself from continuing, I am trying to stay on track! :)

Last night I also read another chapter in the Shack. AMAZING. 
It was all about living in expectancy and NOT expectation! 
Living in freedom, knowing that nothing you do can or will add or take away from who God is.
Learning that my relationship with Jesus is not based on rules and expectations, but rather love and that in love I will chose not to do things that would hurt our relationship.
I know that once I accept Jesus into my heart, its a done deal and I can't do anything to undo that relationship. 
I also know that while developing that relationship and growing in it, I will start to understand that there are certain things that I am ABLE to do, but they will not benefit the relationship! 
I am just loving learning about the freedom that I can live in. 
In that freedom I can then love others and love Jesus with all my heart.
I can live a life with no reservations. I live all out holding nothing back :)
Oh the Joys. I love finding new revelations, learning more about the character of God.
Though I still have so much more to learn and everyday is a struggle between what I want and what will benefit my relationship with Jesus, I am slowly growing.
One day it will get to the point where what I want is what will benefit our relationship.
Where every thought and action is directly influenced by the heart of God and my enjoyment in following the His Will.

WOW this post is all over the place. But man does it feel good to try to write down my thoughts.
It is not an easy task. My mind is always wondering!

Daniel comes in one week! WOO HOO :)


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ME and GOD

I have so much to say. But I don't know how to put it into words. 
I am so many places I need to grow. 
There is just a part of me that depends so much on what other people think.
This is never good. Because if your feelings depend on other people you will always be disappointed. 

I need to work at this.
I need to put my feelings and trust and love in Jesus.
Then I have a rock and a foundation. 

Oh man. I wish I could just vent BUT I have got to keep it inside. 
One day I will have someone that I can talk to face to face, but for now.
Its just ME and God.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

I have come to a point of feeling empty. In need of something. 
Listening to worship music.... helping me understand what this life is about. What MY purpose is. : )

So what can I say What can I do But offer this heart O God Completely to You  So I’ll stand With arms high and heart abandoned In awe of the One who gave it all
So I’ll stand With arms high and heart abandoned In awe of the One who gave it all
So I’ll stand With arms high and heart abandoned In awe of the One who gave it all
So I’ll stand My soul Lord to You surrendered All I am is Yours
Listening to Kathleen leading worship is so relaxing and amazing. 


Thursday, November 13, 2008

sickness. snow. and sunshine.

Today it was so b-e-a-u-tiful! 
I love snow.

Thankfully in this city along with snow and cold weather there is SUNSHINE
It is also great.
Snow and Sunshine makes a great pair.
Oh and lately I have been thinking about the beach. SO this is a nice beach/sun picture!

Unfortunately along with cold weather comes sickness. :(
Thankfully it is not that bad and no big deal. Just annoying.

SO yeah.
Life is all around great. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Well today started off rough.
I wake up to hear that Barack Hussein Obama pretty much has the election in the bag... which we all knew, but I did not want to admit.
I then got up and watch CNN.. about 10 minutes into watching it they announce that Obama is the President Elect.
It was the weirdest feeling. Like a emptiness, helplessness. Different emotions rushed into my body. The feeling rang deep into my soul. Very crazy. (and if you cant tell I have been reading a really good book lately so sorry for the over descriptiveness.)
I then watched McCain's consecion speech. and I cried. 
Thankfully however after listen to Obama's acceptance speech and wrestling with feelings of questioning why... 
This peace just came over me. I now do not look at this situation negatively. I just find my peace and my trust and my hope in the statement "what the Devil intends for evil, God will use for good"
I have a God that is bigger than politics, bigger than all the things that we will face over the next 4 years. 
Though I do not agree with Obama's politics, I believe in a God that can turn a wicked man's actions into something that will impact eternity and change the lives of millions in a good way.
Maybe America needs a wake up call. They need to see what can happen when a man like Obama is elected into office. 
The truth is though. I have no idea. Every reasoning I can come up with will just fall short of the reasons and plan that God has. 
My God is a good God! and I find peace in that.
I will pray. Pray for Obama. Pray for the country that I love. 
and I will thank God that no matter what happens in this life, in my country, my eternity is set and my way is straight : )

Ok enough about politics.

Heres just a few random thoughts:

I have been really lazy with school. Tomorrow I need to kick some butt....However I say that everyday....hmmm.....

I enjoyed tonight. Criss and I walked in the Forest Park. F-U-N. It was completely dark and there were some creepy sounds, but its nights like tonight that I truly cherish.
I will say she was a very good friend today. Knowing that I was pissed about Obama, she came to my rescue! haha <3333

Monday night we went to Indian food. YUM : )

I am really struggling lately with the problem of judgement. I myself judge, like all people, and I have just recently gotten a taste of my own medicine. It is a horrible feeling when someone has preconceived notions  about you that are truly wrong, but you know that nothing you do or say can really change their opinion. I have have really been wrestling between trying to change myself to please others, and just being who I am no matter what. I am a very harsh person and I know I have faults. I have been known to call others out on things so this is one of those times when I am getting to feel what it feels like to be called out. Unfortunately what I am called out on is not really truth. 
My mom told me something very wise. Take what a person says and take it to the Lord. Ask him if there is any truth in it and ask him to reveal the truth to you. 
So that is where I am right now. Stuck in a rut, but I think it might be a good rut. Maybe we get stuck sometimes so that we have to take the time to recognize out failures and figure out what to do to improve and grow.  : )

Here is a funny picture of me beating Tony! 
It made me laugh and if I am ever around you I will explain that hilarious story behind this beating!