Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sleight Bells Ring are you Listenin' 
In the Lane, Snow is Glistenin' 

I am quite excited for Christmas (which is in 4 days) andddd my BIRTHDAY in 11 daysss.

A kinda lot has happened since the last time I blogged.

A) Crissa left for the Americas a week ago.
...B) Nicole, Andrew, and others left for 2 months.
C) Dan the Man came and went.
....D) Our friend Ben officially bought his plane ticket to come and visit.
E) My sister got her vacation time to come and visit.
..F) I have started to become friends with some new awesome people.
G) I went shopping with a friend and we got pretty amazing Christmas Sweaters.
H) I became the reigning champ on UNO.
.....I) I cut MY hair. (and my moms ha ha ha)

and other fun, to insignificant to blog about stuff :)

Life is just good.
I have started to kind of get homesick once in a while, but it comes and goes.
I just rely on Jesus and everything is great!
For some reason lately I just haven' t been in the mood to blog...
I really don't know why..........
But I will try to stay up to date haha.

Anyways. i am just happy and content. Everything except for school is good.
Oh and it snowed so it will most likely be a white CHRISTMAS!!
and It is freaking cold. 
The End. 


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